Roy Walton | A Gentle Man of Magic

The first person to share the card magic of Roy Walton with me was my friend Shiv Duggal.

I was astounded by the clarity and purity of the effects. This was card magic which I had not encountered before. 

By 1980, I would have some of Roy Walton’s booklets that he published. Eventually, all of these booklets would be put into one volume called The Complete Walton.What caught my attention with Roy’s books was the fact there weren’t many drawings, illustrations or photographs.

This was a book you had to read.

This threw me off balance because some of the books I had read up to this point had beautiful illustrations and it made for easy learning and understanding.

Now, here was a book that featured nothing but text. Roy Walton described his tricks using classic techniques as if he were talking to dedicated students who knew and could execute the moves. He did not waste any time explaining certain techniques – he explained the inner workings of his effects and nothing more. As you can imagine, I was slightly intimidated because my skill level was crap. I started to practice with real dedication. It was a big thrill to perform his opening effect in The Devils Playthings “Aperitif”. That was my very first Roy Walton effect.Earlier this year I decided to visit my friend Gordon Bruce to just enjoy a weekend in Glasgow.

It was great fun and I got to meet a Roy and spend a little while in his shop.

Walking into Tam Sheperds brought back memories of Alan Alan’s Magic Spot, it was wonderful.

It all felt familiar to me.

Roy Walton was there with his wife and Daughters.

My main reason for visiting was to see Roy and create his Portrait and perhaps have my book signed.

My lasting impression of Roy Walton will always be;

He is a Gentleman and Gentle Man, full of humility.

A truly creative mind.
A stunning card man.
A humble spiritual.
He works in a magic shop selling tricks, jokes, costumes and………Rubber Tits.

Ah, the juxtaposition of life.

Take your work seriously, however, don’t take yourself to seriously.
This is Roy Walton.

Thanks to Andrew Eborn for pointing out this very funny juxtaposition.

I want to finish this post with a few words from Shiv Duggal. I asked him if would be willing to add his reflections on Roy and he has graciously sent me this.

From Shiv Duggal.

Roy Walton first came into my world when Pat Page sold me a copy of The Devil’s Playthings, a small booklet but one that had a huge impact on my magical life; it was the first time that I saw card magic that had such clarity of effect and efficiency of method. There are some great ticks in the booklet such as Never give a sucker an even break the best ever presentation for Find the Lady, The Inconsistent Liar and Card Case, all tricks I still use. I have been fortunate to have met and become friends with Roy and when I had need to work in Glasgow for two years I was lucky enough to see Roy every week and remember with fondness the conversations we had. I will leave you with three tricks of Roy’s that I love but shan’t say where to find them: Fire Side Faces, Stage Shout and Half Pass Ace. My hope is that you read through his books to find them and also enjoy the magic and thinking of Roy Walton

Thabks for reading

Image Copyright to Michael Vincent Photography All Rights Reserved 2018

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