The next routine I would like to feature is Triumph.
This is another stellar routine from Stars of Magic.
It should come as no surprise to you that all the routines I have discussed so far, I learnt in my teens from this book.
Now, before we go any further, take a look at this video.
This is how I now present Triumph, it is called Tipsy “T”.
When I first learnt Dai Vernon’s Triumph I fooled myself.
This was quite an experience.
I guess being able to fool oneself whilst learning a routine is actually a good thing. It reminds us how our audience should feel.
Well, I knew instantly this would be a routine I would want to practice, master and perform.
The original handling in Stars of Magic is perfect.
Let me repeat that.
“It is perfect”.
It doesn’t need any further tinkering, addition or enhancements.
The Triumph Shuffle as described is perfect, it gives the routine a real sense of chaotic conviction. The audience sees the deck shuffled face up and face down and then Shazam, all the cards are now facing the right way except for the chosen card.
Now, if you have watched my video you may have noticed I do not execute Triumph exactly as described.
It has taken me half my life to arrive at what I now feel is a perfect interpretation of the Triumph premise – Tipsy “T”.
Let’s backtrack.
The Royal Road to Card Magic was published around 1948, this was long before the Triumph edition of Stars of Magic appeared in the mail.
“I should point out, Stars of Magic was a serialisation. Every month or so, Magicians would receive in the mail an edition featuring one routine. Can you imagine receiving instructions for Triumph in the mail? With the passage of time, all of the monthly editions that made up the collection that would be bound into a very gorgeous book”.
The Royal Road to Card Magic featured a very effective routine called “A Tipsy Trick”.
This routine is a Triumph like effect using what we now know as The Slop Shuffle.
In the video, you can see me executing A Tipsy Trick with a few enhancements thrown in to consolidate the handling and conviction of a chaotic deck mixed face up and face down.
In the early 1980s, The Secrets of Peurto Rican Gambler by Stephen Minch was published. It featured the magic of Daryl Martinez.
In this book, Daryl teaches his famous, Triumph Six-Packet Cut. This is a thing of beauty; imagine, after shuffling the deck face up and face down you cut the deck into six packets and the audience sees packets of cards all mixed face up and face down.
Look at the image below.

When I first learnt this idea, I immediately added this to Dai Vernon’s routine. It was a natural fit, so did Daryl and everyone else.
In the last few years, I began to perform Triumph, not using The Triumph Shuffle as described in Stars of Magic. I started using the much more difficult to execute Gamblers Shuffle. I had read somewhere that Vernon used The Gamblers Shuffle instead of The Triumph Shuffle. When I learnt The Gamblers Shuffle, I understood why.
Please forgive my cryptic use of language on this site. I am deliberately protecting our craft by not exposing.
If you watch the second phase of my video, you will see I am using The Gamblers Shuffle.
I discovered that my handling of Tipsy “T” is very strong. It’s a powerful version of this plot and easy to execute.
You will also notice I used Daryl’s Display during Tipsy “T” – I felt this routine was a better fit for Daryl’s Display.
I save Vernon’s Triumph handling for my second phase follow up for the bonus revelation of the three mates using The Gamblers Shuffle.
This has 100% conviction – it doesn’t need any further embellishment or proving. This shuffle itself is the convincer. The revelation of the three mates is astounding, bringing the routine full circle.
With so many options at our disposal, it is critical that we use only what is needed to achieve a convincing illusion of impossibility.
I am guilty of overdoing it.
I was far to young to appreciate how well throughout Dai Vernon’s original handling was and still is.
I must thank Darwin Ortiz.
He inspired me to master certain things with cards that I had not considered. I am glad I did. It has supported me in creating routines which feature a synergistic combination of ideas, strategies and techniques.
It is this combination of interlocking priniciples that produces a beautiful experience of magic.
There is no question this routine is beautiful.
I love the premise of Chaos Vs Order.
Triumph is one of many routines that fit this context and delivers faithfully.
I would like you to consider your relationship with this plot.
Please share your thoughts about what I have written.
Thanks for reading.