Audience Reaction | White Light Astonishment

This is what I live for

Take a moment and consider this question; when was the last time you really looked into the eyes of your audience just to experience their reaction?

Now, I know for a fact you have seen it. You know exactly what I mean, that jaw dropping, mouth wide open, bug eyed look on their faces. We have all seen it.

What I am questioning is something far more deeper.

I am looking for that expression on their face where everything stops.

For a few moments, the brain stops, the expression on their face freezes, you just know, the brain cannot compute what it has just experienced.

Some routines in my repertoire actually causes a psychological melt down. So much so, I have to take a moment to allow my audience time to recover……..their senses.

Take a look at the image above. It was take by my friend Roberto. In studying this image, I got present to something. In this moment before the big finish, I can see that both spectators are already ANTICIPATING what is about to HAPPEN.

Now, consider this; anticipation can be more powerful than the realisation. In this case, the anticipation, build up and suspense was all part of the trap to freeze their reaction in time.

I live for routines that allow me this possibility. It is critical for the success of my magic for my audience to participate on many levels.

Their participation operates on three levels;




One of my proudest moments

The reaction of my audience is the number one reason why I have continued to study magic. It is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. There have been moments when my audience members shed a tear which made me cry simply because of the moment we shared.

How can magic be a trivial pursuit when we have this gift to give away to people. 

I would love you all to consider the power you have every time you perform for an audience. It is worth all the practice and rehearsal. 

In the final analysis, anything less than this pure white light moment of Love and Astonishment is just a waste of time.

White Light Adtonishment

We must all strive to reach this nirvana of audience reaction.

Showtime in China

Finally, please, start paying attention to your audience. They have so much to teach us about expression, sharing, trust and love.

Thanks for reading.

Special thanks to my brother Vladimir for inspiring this conversation

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