Vincent on Vernon: The New lecture for 2013/14


One of the biggest thrills of my career was meeting the grandmaster of Magic Dai Vernon. 

I had first read about him when I was in my early teens and greatly appreciated the quality of his magic. “The Dai Vernon Book of Magic”, “Inner Secrets of Card Magic Trilogy “+ his “Ultimate Card Secrets” are books which I still revere today. They constantly provide me with an endless source of inspiration, quality magic and creative food for thought.

Over the last few years, I have entertained the notion of presenting a lecture/talk/workshop on my interpretation of Dai Vernon’s magic.  The thought alone was intimidating because his magic is simply perfect. When I say perfect, I mean, anyone can learn his material and with very little adjustment, the student can make the material work. Obviously practice is still required, nevertheless, Dai Vernon’s magic is accessible to all.

Last week, I presented a 30-minute talk on the legacy of Dai Vernon at the world famous Magic Circle.  I was very happy with the feedback. The event was filmed and it will form the basis of my new DVD project, “Vincent on Vernon”.


“Vincent on Vernon” will feature the presentation live with slides and commentary of Dai  Vernon’s contribution to magic along with  a live performance of  The Ultimate Travelers. There will also be some additional material featured on the DVD. Stay tuned for updates.

One more thing, I will be presenting an expanded version of this talk on the 14th November at The Festival of Magic CLICK HERE for details

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