Roger Dakin’s Christmas Lunch


It’s not everyday that one gets the chance to meet a sporting legend let alone two. Last Wednesday, I attended the Christmas lunch of my dear friend Roger Daking. Roger is one of life’s individuals you like the moment you meet him. We became friends a number of years ago during my time at “The Cricketers Club” in central London.

Roger frequently hosts a number of charity events and sporting lunches throughout the year and always manages to have some exciting guest speakers in attendance.  His Christmas Lunch presented all who attended with the golden opportunity to meet two outstanding athletes Great Britain has produced in the last 20 years, Denise Lewis and Donna Fraser.

Denise and Donna where there as special guest of honor to share their triumphs with us and also to talk about raising awareness for Breast Cancer.  I was deeply touched by Donna’s story and her courage to share her personal journey. Breast Cancer impacts a lot of women and it was very inspiring to see two outstanding women using their fame to bringing this subject to the wider audience it needs, supporting the 100s of women who suffer with this crippling health challenge.

Roger asked me if I would be willing to present one of my card miracles for the audience of 100+, I said “yes” on the condition that I could have an Olympic Champion as my magical assistant. Well, Denise turned out to be the perfect companion for me during my presentation of “The Invisible Deck”. She made a great trick even better – her career in athletics may be over, however, she has the star quality to be successful in anything she takes her hand to. She is beautiful and has the grace and savior fare’ to light up our television in the way that she does during our Olympic coverage.

All in all this was a wonderful way to start the Christmas season.

I will be supporting Roger again in 2014, be sure to check in on my site, perhaps you may consider coming along to support one of Rogers events for 2014.



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