My Favourite Subject – CARD MAGIC

I am thinking about card magic right now. 

I have to say, this is one of the most beautiful subjects I’ve ever studied in my life. I have a wide interest in many different subjects and yet, the study of sleight of hand card magic is my deepest passion. It covers many levels of study, research, investigation and practical applications for me.

Now, when I say study, I really mean it – I am talking about reading books long before my grand parents were born. I am also referring to the studying of the great masters who came before me and carved out the path of excellence for me to follow. 
I started practicng card magic when I was 10 years old. The Royal Road to Card Magic, The Magic Book by Harry Lorayne and his classic work Close-up Card Magic would be the foundation upon which I would build my philosophy on this subject.

The photograph above is me with my friend and mentor Harry Lorayne – it was a privelidge to meet Harry as a young boy and to be taught by him. I got to see his magic come alive right before my eyes. 

I am 53 years old now and I can say I now understand how to make a performance of card magic a truly magical, meaningful and memorable experience for a lay audience. My whole ethos now is about making my audience care. Just consider; why should they care? I believe, my audience have enough to concern themselves with on a daily basis to not have to concern themselves about my skill and performance with a deck of cards.

I made a promise to myself that when I step out in front of an audience, I will give them my absolute best effort. The effects my audience will see me perform will completely transform their point of view about what is possible with a deck of cards. In my professional shows, my audience will experience the atmosphere of magic. This is quite a lofty goal to achieve, I can say one thing with certainty, this is the standard of excellence and mastery I hold myself to.

To study this subject is to expose myself to the deepest elements of who I am as a person. I say this because, once I’ve learnt a routine and developed the script and presentation, I then have to share it with my audience. More often than not, my first few performances may achieve a 6/10 mark. This low score is me evaluating the impact, my self expression and the response of the audience. I have one routine in my repertoire which took me 10 years to fully understand before I consistently achieved the response I knew it could. Another routine would take me 25 years of study and application.

I hope you can feel from this Blog Post that magic and card magic is a serious subject. 

If you are reading this looking to hire me, consider the possibility that you are not just hiring a professional magician, you are also hiring a passionate student, a psychologist in human nature, a communicator, a first class story teller and someone who truly knows how to make your guests feel good. 

Is this someone who you feel would be worthy of your investment?

If you do then LOOK NO FURTHER.


Please, get in touch and let’s work in committed partnership to make your event truly memorable for all concerned.


Michael Vincent

1 thought on “My Favourite Subject – CARD MAGIC”

  1. I first was fortunate enough to experience the magic of Michael Vincent at a friend’s birthday party. Mr. Vincent astonished, wowed & delighted the entire audience with what an expert he was at making you believe that magic is still very much alive & well. I then was extremely fortunate to receive an invitation to watch him perform at The Magic Castle were I was once again astounded & delighted to be caught up in the magic that is Mr. Vincent. He is truly a one of a kind, extraordinary delight who not only astonishes you but truly makes you believe in MAGIC.

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