My very dear friend Vladimir Stimac invited me over to his home to celebrate the birthday of his little girl. Vladimir is a professional magician himself and runs his very successful company. He specialises in children’s magic and also acquits himself to perfection in the corporate market with some high-end clients.
During my week-long stay, Vladimir had arranged for me to perform at a magic festival in the town of Osijek. This is about two and half hours drive from Zagreb. Along the way, we stopped off in the old town of Slovanski Brod to say hi to another great magician from Croatia name Bojan Barisic. Bojan is one of the most creative magicians in East Europe. The legendary Fantasio has endorsed many of his creations – remember his name, you will hear more about him in the coming year.
Two entrepreneurial brothers named Sasa and Zoran Gerber arranged the Festival in Osijek. My new lecture, “Classical Magic & Conversation” was well received and appreciated. The highlight of the convention was the evening gala show for the general public. The show you took place in the centre of Avenue Mail, a huge popular shopping complex, which has many stations throughout Croatia.
I was happy to be a part of the show because it was the first time that Vladimir and myself got to appear in a theatrical production. The show also featured an illusionist by the name of Lee Alex who is originally from Wimbledon and a terrific act called “Iluzionisti Piksi – Zeka”. Some theatrical drummers and local dancers also supported the show. Sasa was the MC and did a fine job in keeping the show running smoothly.
This production also featured in the local newspaper and I received at some many wonderful images, which you can see in the gallery below.
The tough part was the long drive back to Zagreb in the middle of the night. We arrived home just after 01.00am. It reminded me of my early years as a professional magician driving up and down the motorway after a gig.
I have to say, I love Croatia, it is become one of my favorite European countries. This was my third visit and I look forward to seeing my friends again. My passion for photography also featured on this trip, to see some of the images visit my photography website.
I want to thank my friend Vladimir for the invitation to be with him and his family and for suggesting that I be part of the show in Osijek. Take a look at Vladimir’s website so that you can learn more about him.