Sleight Of Hand Technique
There are good card magicians, great card magicians and then there is Michael Vincent.
Three-Time winner of the Magic Circle close-up magician of the year award, Michael is recognised as one of the top sleight of hand artists in the world with cards.
Michael’s Sleight Of Hand Coaching
Michael’s gift is to breathe life into a deck of cards. He is able to take an audience from stunned silence to rapturous applause with the deft poetry of his art. He has spent 30 years as a top level performer, learning his art from greats such as Alan Alan and Slydini.
Michael’s card artistry has earned him regular television appearances, seen him performing at prestigious events around the world, including at Hollywood’s famous Magic Castle, and has earned him life membership of the Inner Magic Circle, with a Gold Star for Performing Excellence.
Michael is an entrepreneur, entertainer and a photographer for prestigious events, and runs his own magic school, the Vincent Academy.
The Vincent Academy
Michael is committed to assisting magicians world-wide achieve their full potential in the entertainment industry. Training with the Vincent Academy you can learn sleight of hand techniques with an experienced world class magician.
The course is focused on helping magicians who want to improve their performance, and those preparing to perform at events, competitions and private function