Thank you for your interest in my Book Meditations on The Sting.
This routine has become as important to me as The Slot Machine, The Ultimate Travelers and my Cups and Balls.
These are routines that have inspired me.
I have spent decades attempting to learn and master these routines, the same goes for this stunning gambling routine by Darwin Ortiz.
Now, what does my book have to offer?
This is a question you must be asking yourself.
Well, on the surface, my book is a detailed analysis on how I took Darwin’s routine and made some significant adjustments to his original handling and created an original presentation.
Is there enough to justify me even publishing a book and asking you to part with your hard earned money?
Consider this; it took me nearly ten years before I felt comfortable with the basic routine before I performed it. Once I started on developing my own handling procedure and added misdirection to the routine, yes misdirection to a gambling routine, it no longer felt like The Sting, it began to morph into something completely different – something truly wonderful.
That’s a bold statement because I personally believe Darwin’s routines are so well constructed they don’t need any further handling, just learnt it and perform it.
If life were only that simple.
This book is much more than my handling.
It’s a journey into my mind.
You will experience my journey, my frustrations and my triumph.
Yes, triumph, because if you choose to buy this book, you will receive with your order a special link where you can see a live performance of this routine. You will experience my triumph through my performance – I hope this inspires you.
I hope your purchase of my Book inspires you to treat YOUR MAGIC with more love, passion and dedication than you ever thought you were capable of.
If your purchase of my Book does that I will be happy…….FOR YOU.
With a wonderful Foreword by Darwin Ortiz and Jack Carpenter’s Testimonial, I couldn’t be happier.
In this treatise you will learn Michael’s impeccable handling and presentation for Darwin Ortiz’s classic poker routine, “The Sting.”
But you will receive so much more. Presenting gambling material in a meaningful manner that informs and entertains; combines clarity, humor, suspense, and surprise (dare I say, shock!) for a modern audience is an art form. Few have mastered it.
Lucky for you, Michael Vincent is one of those few. You will learn techniques and principles that transcend this single routine; that you will apply to other favorite gambling themed magic, and other magical avenues as well. Michael does nothing without a good reason, and if something doesn’t increase an audience’s entertainment experience, it’s not happening. So any time spent peeking into Michael’s mind, methods, and madness is time well spent. Enjoy!
Jack Carpenter
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